This endpoints allows retrieveal, creation, modification and deletion of CustomerOrderLines in Warehouze. It also allows allocation, undoing allocation, creating packing slips, undoing packing slips, packing, undoing of packing, invoicing and deletion.
Call requires at least one property name, blank query is allowed.
Send an array of json objects to update existing CustomerOrderLines, Id is required.
Name | Type | Description | Updatable |
AvailableQty | Decimal | False | |
CalculatedBaseCurrencyUnitCostPrice | Decimal | False | |
CollectionInternalLineNumber | Int32 | False | |
CurrencyCode | String | False | |
CurrencyUnitCostPrice | Decimal | False | |
CustomerOrderId | Int32 | False | |
Date | DateTime | False | |
DeletedDate | Nullable`1 | False | |
ExternalLineId | String | False | |
Id | Int32 | False | |
InternalLineNumber | Int32 | False | |
InvoicedQty | Decimal | False | |
IsAllocatedAvailable | Boolean | False | |
IsCollectionMaster | Boolean | False | |
IsCollectionPart | Boolean | False | |
Location | String | False | |
PackedQty | Decimal | False | |
PackingResponsible | String | False | |
PackingSlipQty | Decimal | False | |
ProductBarcode | String | False | |
ProductId | Int32 | False | |
ProductName | String | False | |
ProductNumber | String | False | |
Qty | Decimal | False | |
Selected | Boolean | False | |
SelectQty | Decimal | False | |
Status | CoStatus | 0 NotAvailable, 1 PartiallyAvailable, 2 Available, 3 PackingSlip, 4 Packed, 5 Invoiced, 6 PackedAndDeleted, 7 Deleted | False |
StockWarehouseIdExternal | Int32 | False | |
Total | Decimal | False | |
UnitCostPrice | Decimal | False | |
UnitNetPrice | Decimal | False | |
WarehouseId | Int32 | False |
var request = { Token: "Insert your token here", Query: [ "Id=1", ], Properties: [ Id, ProductId, WarehouseId ], }; $.ajax({ url: "", data: request, dataType: 'text', type: "GET", traditional: true, success: function (data) { console.log(data); }, error: function (data, xHr) { console.log(data); console.log(xHr); } });
var request = { Token: "Insert your token here", Query: [ JSON.stringify([{ CustomerOrderId: 1, Qty: 9.0, ProductId:1 }, { CustomerOrderId: 1, Qty: 9.0, ProductId:1 }]) ], }; $.ajax({ url: "", data: request, dataType: 'text', type: "POST", success: function (data) { console.log(data); }, error: function (data, xHr) { console.log(data); console.log(xHr); } });
var request = { Token: "Insert your token here", Query: [ "Id=1", ] }; $.ajax({ url: "", data: request, dataType: 'text', type: "POST", success: function (data) { console.log(data); }, error: function (data, xHr) { console.log(data); console.log(xHr); } });
var request = { Token: "Insert your token here", Resend: false, SendEmail: true, Email: "", Query: [ "Id=1", ] }; $.ajax({ url: "", data: request, dataType: 'text', type: "POST", success: function (data) { console.log(data); }, error: function (data, xHr) { console.log(data); console.log(xHr); } });
var request = { Token: "Insert your token here", Query: [ JSON.stringify([{ Id: 1, InvoiceNumber: 1, InvoiceQty: 9.0, InvoiceDate: '2020/01/13' }, { Id: 2, InvoiceNumber: 2 }]) ], }; $.ajax({ url: "", data: request, dataType: 'text', type: "POST", success: function (data) { console.log(data); }, error: function (data, xHr) { console.log(data); console.log(xHr); } });
var request = { Token: "Insert your token here", Query: [ JSON.stringify([{ Id: 1, Qty: 9.0 }, { Id: 2, Qty: 9.0 }]) ], }; $.ajax({ url: "", data: request, dataType: 'text', type: "PUT", success: function (data) { console.log(data); }, error: function (data, xHr) { console.log(data); console.log(xHr); } });