

This endpoints allows retrieveal, creation, modification and deletion of products in Warehouze, it also allows retrieval of stock quantities pr. warehouse.


Call requires at least one property name, blank query is allowed.


Send an array of json objects to create new Products, Number and GroupId are required.


Send an array of json objects to update existing Products, Id is required.

Product Properties
AdjustedInStockQty Decimal False
Barcode String True
Barred Boolean True
BaseNumber String False
ColliQty Decimal False
CreationDate DateTime False
CustomProductPropertyFive String False
CustomProductPropertyFour String False
CustomProductPropertyOne String False
CustomProductPropertyThree String False
CustomProductPropertyTwo String False
DataSource DataSource 0 Economic, 1 SmartWeb, 2 Local, 3 Magento, 4 GoldenPlanet, 5 Shopify, 6 WooCommerce, 7 FakturaFil, 8 IEX, 9 Logisnap False
DeliveryDays Int32 True
ExtraCosts Decimal False
GroupId Int32 False
Height Decimal False
Id Int32 False
IncludeInShoppinglist Boolean False
IsCollectionMaster Boolean False
IsMaster Boolean False
LastUpdated DateTime False
Length Decimal False
LocationId Int32 False
Name String True
Notes String True
Notifications String False
Number String False
OrderedByCustomersQty Decimal False
OrderedFromSuppliersQty Decimal False
PoQtyMin Decimal False
SelectedVariantType1 String False
SelectedVariantType2 String False
ShippingMethod String False
ShippingPrice Decimal False
ShoppingQty Decimal False
StockQty Decimal False
StockQtyChanged Boolean False
SupplierId Int32 True
SupplierProductNumber String True
TurnoverQty Decimal False
UnitCostPrice Decimal False
UnitId Int32 False
UnitPrice Decimal False
UnitSalesPrice Decimal False
VariantMasterId Int32 False
Volume Decimal False
WarehouseId Int32 False
Weight Decimal False
Width Decimal False
Sample Get call
        var request = {
            Token: "Insert your token here",
            Query: [
            Properties: [
            url: "",
            data: request,
            dataType: 'text',
            type: "GET",
            traditional: true,
            success: function (data) {
            error: function (data, xHr) {
Sample Post call
        var request = {
            Token: "Insert your token here",
            Query: [
                 JSON.stringify([{ Number: '1', GroupId: 123456 }, { Number: '2', GroupId: 123456 }])
            url: "",
            data: request,
            dataType: 'text',
            type: "POST",
            success: function (data) {
            error: function (data, xHr) {
Sample Put call
        var request = {
            Token: "Insert your token here",
            Query: [
                 JSON.stringify([{ Id: 1, Name: 'Product 1' }, { Id: 2, Name: 'Product 2' }])
            url: "",
            data: request,
            dataType: 'text',
            type: "PUT",
            success: function (data) {
            error: function (data, xHr) {