

This endpoints allows creation of stock adjustments.


Send an array of json objects to create stock adjustments, ProductId, WarehouseId and Qty are required.

StockEntry Properties
ChangedBy String False
Cost Decimal False
CreationDate DateTime False
CreditNoteHandled Boolean False
CurrencyCode String False
CurrencyCost Decimal False
Customer String False
DataSource DataSource 0 Economic, 1 SmartWeb, 2 Local, 3 Magento, 4 GoldenPlanet, 5 Shopify, 6 WooCommerce, 7 FakturaFil, 8 IEX, 9 Logisnap False
Date DateTime False
DocumentId Int32 False
EntryReferenceNumber Nullable`1 False
ExtraCosts Decimal False
ExtraCostsCurrencyCode String False
HasPriceMatchError Boolean False
Id Int32 False
InternalOrderNumber Int32 False
Number Int32 False
OrderNumber String False
ProductId Int32 False
ProductNumber String False
PurchaseOrderLineId Int32 False
Qty Decimal False
Supplier String False
Text String False
Type StockEntryType 0 Receipt, 1 SalesInvoice, 2 StockAdjustment, 3 UnitCostpriceUpdate False
WarehouseId Int32 False
Sample Post call
        var request = {
            Token: "Insert your token here",
            Query: [
                 JSON.stringify([{ ProductId:1, Qty:1, WarehouseId:2 }])
            url: "",
            data: request,
            dataType: 'text',
            type: "POST",
            success: function (data) {
            error: function (data, xHr) {