This endpoints allows retrieveal, creation, modification and deletion of PurchaseOrderLines in Warehouze.
Call requires at least one property name, blank query is allowed.
Receive order product line, first query item must be useConvertedPrices=false or useConvertedPrices=true and the second query must be the poLines
PoLines must contain Id, the rest of the values will default to the line, except ReceiveQty that will default to remaining PoQty (PoQty - ReceivedQty)
If InvoiceNumber is added to a PoLine that line will be invoiced with the the given ReceiveQty.
Name | Type | Description | Updatable |
Barcode | String | False | |
CurrencyCode | String | False | |
CurrencyUnitCostPrice | Decimal | False | |
ExpectedDelivery | DateTime | False | |
ExtraCosts | Decimal | False | |
ExtraCostsCurrencyCode | String | False | |
Id | Int32 | False | |
InProcessing | Nullable`1 | False | |
InvoicedQty | Decimal | False | |
InvoicedStatus | PoInvoiceStatus | 0 None, 1 Partial, 2 Invoiced | False |
InvoiceQty | Decimal | False | |
Location | String | False | |
Log | String | False | |
Number | Int32 | False | |
PoNumber | String | False | |
PoQty | Decimal | False | |
ProductId | Int32 | False | |
ProductName | String | False | |
ProductNumber | String | False | |
PurchaseOrderId | Int32 | False | |
ReceivedQty | Decimal | False | |
ReceiveQty | Decimal | False | |
Selected | Boolean | False | |
Status | PoStatus | 0 None, 1 Partial, 2 Full, 3 Archived, 4 Draft | False |
Supplier | String | False | |
SupplierId | Int32 | False | |
SupplierProductNumber | String | False | |
UnitPrice | Decimal | False | |
WarehouseId | Int32 | False |
var request = { Token: "Insert your token here", Query: [ "Id=1", ], Properties: [ Id, Number, PurchaseOrderId ], }; $.ajax({ url: "", data: request, dataType: 'text', type: "GET", traditional: true, success: function (data) { console.log(data); }, error: function (data, xHr) { console.log(data); console.log(xHr); } });
var request = { Token: "Insert your token here", Query: [ "useConvertedPrices=true", "[ { Id: 1, ReceiveQty: 23.45, InvoiceNumber: 25 }, { Id: 2, ReceiveQty: 55.45, } ]", ], }; $.ajax({ url: "", data: request, dataType: 'text', type: "POST", success: function (data) { console.log(data); }, error: function (data, xHr) { console.log(data); console.log(xHr); } });